EECU will be closed Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents Day.


Sample: Deceptive Mortgage Mailing
Homeowners with mortgages should be wary of official-looking solicitations from companies posing as EECU. The mailings may include a message such as “we have been trying to reach you regarding a matter of importance related to your mortgage” (see example). They may even reference EECU in bold, but with a very small disclaimer indicating they are “not affiliated with or endorsed by any bank or lending institution.” Please be advised that these are not mailings from EECU.

Here’s how it works. From public records filed for a mortgage, businesses can get a consumer’s address and other personal information, such as the name of the mortgage lender. Then, legitimate businesses (or unscrupulous scam artists) send solicitations after the mortgage has closed, leading some homeowners to believe it is a necessary business communication and not an advertisement.

Beware! This deceptive, predatory and unsolicited marketing is disguised and presented in way that looks real and creates a sense of urgency, when in fact it’s just the opposite.

If you receive any communication that purports to be EECU or references your accounts with EECU and you are unsure if it is legitimate, please contact us directly: at (817) 882-0800 or stop by a local financial center and we’ll help you separate fact from fraud.

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