EECU will be closed Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents Day.

You can use your HSA money tax-free1 to pay for qualified medical expenses for yourself, your spouse, and your eligible dependents, such as healthcare services, equipment, or medications. To do so, you can use your EECU HSA Mastercard® debit card, EECU Online Banking, EECU Mobile Banking, or HSA checks (optional 2).

Following are some common HSA qualified medical expenses. This is not an all-inclusive list. For more information, visit and search for Publication 502 or 969.
Acupuncture Long-term care (for medical expenses and premiums)
Alcoholism treatment Menstrual care products
Ambulance Nursing home
Breast reconstruction surgery (mastectomy-related) Nursing services
Chiropractic services (Certain) Over-the-counter drugs and medications
Cosmetic surgery (only if due to trauma or disease) Physical therapy
Dental treatment (X-rays, fillings, braces, extractions, etc.) Prescription medicines or drugs
Diagnostic devices (such as blood sugar test kits for diabetics) Psychiatric care
Doctor’s office visits and procedures Psychologist counseling
Drug addiction treatment Speech therapy
Eyeglasses, contact lenses and eye exams Stop-smoking programs
Eye surgery (such as laser eye surgery or radial keratotomy) Vasectomy
Fertility enhancements Weight-loss programs (must be to treat a specific disease diagnosed by a physician)
Hearing aids (and batteries for use) Wheelchairs
Hospital services X-Rays
Laboratory fees  

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