EECU will be closed Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Insurance is a must if you own a vehicle or a home. The good news is there are plenty of ways to save some money on your premiums, while getting the coverage you need to protect your property and family. Here are some tips to do so.

Compare and save
Comparison shopping will help you find the right insurance for the best price. Insurance rates can vary by hundreds of dollars a year among insurers for the same coverage, so it pays to shop around. Get quotes from several companies to make sure you’re getting the best rates.

Seek out discounts
Home and auto insurers offer discounts for customers that meet certain criteria, for example Affiliation discounts, Good Driver discounts, or Safety & Security System discounts. To make sure you’re getting all the discounts you’re entitled to, ask your agent to review your possible savings.

Combine policies
If you have multiple insurance policies, there are benefits to combining them with one carrier. First, it's simplifies your finances. And second, you can get a discount for bundling.

Work with an independent insurance agent
An independent insurance agent is licensed and authorized to sell different insurance companies' products to consumers. Because they’re not bound to one insurance company, they can provide you quotes from multiple insurance carriers at once, and help you compare coverage options, services, and prices. Best of all, independent insurance agents represent you, not one insurance company.

And finally, don't shop price alone. The lowest price may not be the best option if you are sacrificing the quality of your coverage.

There are even more ways to help lower your auto and home insurance costs while getting the coverage you need to protect your property and family. Click here to check out EECU’s insurance offering.

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