Select “Additional Services” on menu bar and under Other Services select “Online Statements”.
You'll need to accept the terms and conditions for Online Statement. If your account does not have a valid email address, you will be required to provide one before you can accept the terms and conditions.
Once you finish setting up Online Statements, you'll be able to view each month's statement on this screen. To setup your statements, click "Manage Statement Preferences" in the box on the right.
Here you can select either "Paperless" or "Mail & Online". Please note that there may be a fee for selecting "Mail & Online".
After you've logged into the Mobile App, click on the "More" menu option in the bottom right corner.
After the More menu loads, click the "Online Statements" menu option.
To setup Online Statements, make sure you scroll to the bottom of this screen and then click "Manage Statement Preferences".