EECU will be closed Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents Day.
It's important for you to make sure that we have your latest contact information. Accurate contact information helps us prevent identity theft, alert you about suspected fraudulent activity, and make sure that sensitive information is being securely delivered. Thank you for keeping your contact information current!

Still have questions?

Online Banking Instructions
First: log into online banking at
Step 1

After you've logged into Online Banking, select “Additional Services” on menu bar and under Other Services select “Update Your Contact Information”.

Step 2

You have the option to update your address, email address, and phone numbers here. Please remember that you cannot provide a PO Box for an address in online banking.



EECU Mobile App Instructions
First make sure you have the latest version of the EECU Mobile App and that you are logged in.
Step 1

After you've logged into the Mobile App, click on the "More" menu option in the bottom right corner.

Step 2

After the More menu loads, scroll down and under "Additional Services" click the "Update Your Contact Information" menu option. Please note: your menu options may differ from the screenshot above.

Step 3

You have the option to update your address, email address, and phone numbers here. Please remember that you cannot provide a P.O. Box for an address in online banking.


Find your local financial center or ATM