EECU will be closed Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents Day.
Viewing your credit card statements online is free, easy, convenient, and comes with significant benefits, including:
  • You will have access to your statements 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • 12 months of statements are online at all times.

Still have questions?

Online Banking Instructions
First: log into online banking at
Step 1

Select “Additional Services” on menu bar and under Other Services select “Online Statements”.

Step 2

if you haven't already, you'll need to accept the terms and conditions for Online Statement. If your account does not have a valid email address, you will be required to provide one before you can accept the terms and conditions.

Step 3

On this screen you'll be able to view each month's statement. You can also click on the dropdown menu below "Filter:" to view only your credit card statements.

Step 4

To make changes to your statement delivery options, click "Manage Statement Preferences" in the box on the right.

Step 5

Here you can select either "Paperless" or "Mail & Online". Please note that there may be a fee for selecting "Mail & Online".



EECU Mobile App Instructions
First make sure you have the latest version of the EECU Mobile App and that you are logged in.
Step 1

After you've logged into the Mobile App, tap on the "More" menu option in the bottom right corner.

Step 2

After the More menu loads, tap the "Online Statements" menu option.

Step 3
Mobile App Step 3

If you haven't already, you'll need to accept the terms and conditions for Online Statement. If your account does not have a valid email address, you will be required to provide one before you can accept the terms and conditions.

Step 4

On this screen you'll be able to view each month's statement. You can also tap on the dropdown menu below "Filter:" to view only your credit card statements.

Step 5

To make changes to your statement delivery options, scroll to the bottom of this screen and then tap "Manage Statement Preferences".

Step 6

Here you can select either "Paperless" or "Mail & Online". Please note that there may be a fee for selecting "Mail & Online".


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