EECU will be closed Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents Day.
Thank you for choosing EECU for your auto loan. You can make your auto loan payment conveniently and securely using the EECU Mobile App.

Still have questions?

Making A Payment From An EECU Account
First make sure you have the latest version of the EECU Mobile App and that you are logged in.
Step 1

After you've logged into the Mobile App, click on "Transfers" in the bottom menu.

Step 2

To make a one-time payment, select "Transfer" in the top menu, fill out the requested fields, and then click the red "Transfer" button.

Step 3

To setup a recurring payment, select "Schedule" in the top menu and then click the red "Schedule a Transfer" button.

Step 4

Fill out the requested fields, and then click the red "Schedule" button.

Making A Payment From An Account At Another Financial Institution
Use our Online Payment Center to make payments to your EECU auto loan from your account at another financial institution. Payments made before 6:00 p.m. CT will post to your auto loan the same day. Payments made after 6:00 p.m. CT, will post to your auto loan the next day. For payments (ACH) made directly from another financial institution, there is no fee. Payments made via your debit card incur a $3.95 processing fee.
Step 1

After you've logged into the Mobile App, click on the "More" menu option in the bottom right corner.

Step 2

Under "Loans & Credit Cards" select "Loan Payment Center".

Step 3

To make a one-time payment select:
"Click here to make a one-time Debit Card Payment" 
"Click here to make a one-time Bank Payment".

Step 4

To schedule recurring payments either login or select "Enroll Now".

Find your local financial center or ATM