EECU will be closed Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents Day.
It is critical that you notify EECU before you travel to prevent your debit card from being suspended. Some countries are automatically blocked by our network, and unexpected travel may also trip fraud alerts. By notifying us before you travel, we can prevent service from being disrupted.
Banking Tip: How to Set up Travel Notifications

Still have questions?

Online Banking Instructions
First log into online banking at
Step 1

Select “Credit & Debit Cards” on the menu bar and then "Travel Notifications”.

Step 2

On the next screen, click the "Add New Travel Notification" button.

Step 3

Enter your departure date, return date, destination(s) and mode of travel (car, airplane, etc). If you are traveling for more than three months, you will need to call us at (817) 882-0800. Finally, select the credit and debit cards you will be taking with you and then click the "Save" button.

Step 4

You're done! If plans change, you can delete the Travel Notification.

EECU Mobile App Instructions
First make sure you have the latest version of the EECU Mobile App and that you are logged in.
Step 1

After you've logged into the Mobile App, tap on the "More" menu option the bottom right corner.

Step 2

After the More menu loads, scroll down and under "Credit & Debit Cards" tap the "Travel Notifications" menu option.

Step 3

On the next screen, click the "Add New Travel Notification" button.

Step 4

Enter your departure date, return date, destination(s) and mode of travel (car, airplane, etc). If you are traveling for more than three months, you will need to call us at (817) 882-0800. Finally, select the credit and debit cards you will be taking with you and then click the "Save" button.

Step 5

You're done! If plans change, you can delete the Travel Notification.


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